#4 Thought Bubble 2024 time!!
A brief look back at this years Thought Bubble Comics Art Festival…
This being the Newsletter of illustrator and comics creator Martin Simpson.
Hey all!
Just a quick update here to bang on about how super, smashing, great this years Thought Bubble was…
Above: Picture of yours truly… courtesy of the brilliant Jake Detonator (@jakedetonator)
If your unfamiliar with this most excellent con… please find more info here… https://www.thoughtbubblefestival.com/
I can’t stress enough how inspiring and encouraging it always is to exhibit (or simply visit) this place. You might feel physically knackered afterwards… but you will also feel incredibly recharged creatively! Plus comics people are actually the nicest people on the planet… that is a fact!
If you love comics and haven’t been already… you simply HAVE to go to Thought Bubble! Trust me, you’ll love it!
Above: My table layout for this year… spot the wife! And also spot the exclusive preview of the cover to Rasp Book one!!
Above: My own TB24 comic book haul! Not as big as usual as I was insanely busy this year.
Right… I’m off back to work… there’s a lot to do!
Such as… well…
I’ll just leave this right here for now…
Ta ta for now! See you next time and thanks for your interest.
Best, Martin