This being the Newsletter of illustrator and comics creator Martin Simpson.
Welcome to (a very late) 3rd edition of The Rasp Report!
Lots to cover… but let’s start with…
SURPRISE!! I’ve been keeping this one under my hat for a while…
This is a completely re-worked, extended and remastered version of a story I did for the first issue of ‘SKRAWL Comix Magazine’ back in 2021. I’ve decided to release it as a very limited edition mini-comic and I must say, I’m pretty darn pleased with how well this has polished up. I think it’s now one of the better things I’ve ever done.
Check out this short trailer to get the vibe of it (it’s about 50 seconds long)…
It will exclusively go up for pre-order on my own Etsy store… and please note this pre-order will run for a limited time… for TWO WEEKS ONLY… starting from today (26.08.24) and ending on 09.09.24.(!)
All books ordered will then ship by the end of this October (2024) at the latest.
So if you fancy it… please go HERE to pre-order yourself a copy while you can!
And just for the heck of it, here’s a couple more choice pages from ‘The Void’ below…
Work continues a pace on my next book ‘Rasp’. This is a project you will start to hear A LOT more about in the coming months, but for now… here’s a couple of ‘work-in-progress’ pages to take a gander at…
What a time I had at the annual Toronto Comic Arts Festival back in May of this year! It was a real marathon, but a tone of fun!
Above: The whole gang is here! Including: Jason Chuang, Isabel Greenberg, Clio Isadora, B. Mure and Bex Ollerton.
Rather than me bang on about it too much here, how about we hear from the excellent Andy Oliver over at the essential Broken Fronter! He did a brilliant TCAF round up and interviewed me and some of the other creators that formed that ‘British Comics Now’ visit to see what we made of it all…
You can check out that TCAF Broken Frontier article… HERE!
A couple of my very best pals in comics have some exciting things going on that I want to draw your attention to…
The great Russell Mark Olson is doing A Phone Call Away for Mad Cave Comics!
And the stupendous Gustaffo Vargas has landed an amazing gig at Image Comics with NullHunter!!
Keep an eye out for these two beauties in your local comic shop!
With TCAF done and dusted earlier this year, I’m only doing one other convention in 2024 and that will be the ‘Thought Bubble Comic Art Festival’ on the 16th-17th November… so come on over and say hi!
OK that’s your lot! See you next time and thanks for your interest.
Best, Martin
Wow! Bravo! :)